科研论文及著作 |
科研论文 1.Zhao D,Liu C,Feng X,Hou F,Xu X, Li P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Menopausal symptoms in different substages of perimenopause and their relationships with social support and resilience.Menopause.2018 Sep 24. doi: 10.1097/GME.0000000000001208. [Epub ahead of print](SCI收录,IF=2.980) 2.Fang Y,Kang X,Feng X,Zhao D,Song D,Li P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Conditional effects of mindfulness on sleep quality among clinical nurses: the moderating roles of extraversion and neuroticism.Psychology Health& Medicine.2018 Jul 3:1-12. doi: 10.1080/13548506.2018.1492731. [Epub ahead of print](SCI和SSCI双收录,IF=1.652) 3.Kong L,Fang M,Ma T,Li G,Yang F,Meng Q,Li Y,Li P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Positive affect mediates the relationships between resilience, social support and posttraumatic growth of women with infertility.Psychology Health& Medicine. 2018 , 23(6):707-716.(SCI和SSCI双收录,IF=1.652) 4.Kang X,Fang Y,Li S,Liu Y,Zhao D,Feng X,Wang Y, Li P*(厉萍,通讯作者).The Benefits of Indirect Exposure to Trauma: The Relationships among Vicarious Posttraumatic Growth, Social Support, and Resilience in Ambulance Personnel in China.Psychiatry Investigation.2018, 15(5): 452–459.(SCI和SSCI双收录,IF=1.499) 5.Zou G,Li Y,Xu R,Li P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Resilience and positive affect contribute to lower cancer-related fatigue among Chinese patients with gastric cancer.Journal of Clinical Nursing.2018, 27(7-8): e1412-e1418.(SCI和SSCI双收录,IF=1.98) 6. Dong X, Li G, Liu C, Kong L, Fang Y, Kang X,Li P*(厉萍,通讯作者). The mediating role of resilience in the relationship between social support and posttraumatic growth among colorectal cancer survivors with permanent intestinal ostomies: A structural equation model analysis.European Journal of Oncology Nursing.2017,29:47-52.(SCI和SSCI双收录,IF=2.155) 7. Kong, L.,Liu, Y., Li, G., Fang, Y., Kang, X., &Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Resilience moderates the relationship between emotional intelligence and clinical communication ability among Chinese practice nursing students: A structural equation model analysis.Nurse education today,2016,46, 64-68.(SCI和SSCI双收录,IF=1.837) 8. Liu X, Liu C, Tian X, Zou G, Li G, Kong L &Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Associations of Perceived Stress, Resilience and Social Support with Sleep Disturbance Among Community-dwelling Adults [J].Stress Health, 2016, 32(5):578-586. doi: 10.1002/ smi.2664. (SCI和SSCI双收录,IF=1.926) 9. LI G., Kong L,Zhou H, Kang X., Fang Y &Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Relationship between prenatal maternal stress and sleep quality in Chinese pregnant women: the mediation effect of resilience,Sleep Medicine, 2016,25: 8-12. (SCI收录,IF=3.709) 10. Kong, L.,Chen, X., Shen, S., Li, G., Gao, Q., Zhu, N., Lou, F., &Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Professional commitment and attributional style of medical-college nursing students in China: A cross-sectional study.Nurse education today,2016, 40, 154-160.(SCI和SSCI双收录,IF=1.837) 11. Zou G., Shen X., Tian X., Liu C., Li G., Kong L &Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Correlates of psychological distress, burnout, and resilience among chinese female nurses.Industrial Health,2016,54(5), 389-395. (SCI收录,IF=1.057) 12. Tian, X., Gao, Q., Li, G., Zou, G., Liu, C., Kong, L.,&Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Resilience is associated with low psychological distress in renal transplant recipients.General hospital psychiatry,2016, 39, 86-90. (SCI和SSCI双收录,IF=2.852) 13. Chen X, Mao Y, Kong L, Li G, Xin M, Lou F &Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Resilience moderates the association between stigma and psychological distress among family caregivers of patients with schizophrenia.Personality and Individual Differences,2016, 96, 78-82. (SSCI收录,IF=2.417) 14. Tian, X., Liu, C., Zou, G., Li, G., Kong, L., &Li, P*(厉萍,通讯作者). Positive resources for combating job burnout among Chinese telephone operators: Resilience and psychological empowerment.Psychiatry research,2015,228(3), 411-415. (SCI和SSCI双收录,IF=2.845) 15.Chunqin Liu, Yuanyuan Zhao, XiaohongTian, Guiyuan Zou, Ping Li*(厉萍,通讯作者). Negative life events and school adjustment among Chinese nursing students: The mediating role of psychological capital [J].Nurse Education Today, 2015, 35(6):754-759.(SCI和SSCI双收录,IF=1.837) 16.Ping Li*(厉萍),Tiantian Liu,Jiajia Liu,Qing Zhang,Fenglan Lou,Feng Kong,Guanghui Cheng,Magnus Björkholm,Chengyun Zheng,Dawei Xu*. Promoter Polymorphism in the Serotonin Transporter (5-HTT)Gene Is Significantly Associated with Leukocyte Telomere Length in Han Chinese. PLOS ONE. 9(4),e94442. 2014(SCI收录IF=4.015) 17. Ping Li(厉萍), Mi Hou, Fenglan Lou, Magnus Björkholm, Dawei Xu. Telomere dysfunction induced by chemotherapeutic agents and radiation in normal human cells.IntJ Biochem Cell Biol.2012 Sep; 44(9):1531-40.(SCI收录,IF=4.96) 18.Ping Li(厉萍),Chuan Tian,Nan Ge,Hongwei Wang,Li Liu,Fenglan Lou,Magnus Bjokholm,Dawei Xu.Premature senescence of T cells in long-term survivors of renal transplantation.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,2011,407(3):599-604. (SCI收录,IF=2.661) 1.方跃艳,康晓菲,王娟,赵迪,冯秀娟,厉萍*(通讯作者).医学生正念与平静心境的关系:感知压力的中介和调节效应[J].中国健康心理学杂志,2018,26(2): 288-292. 2.冯秀娟,赵迪,康晓菲,方跃艳,厉萍*(通讯作者).肿瘤科护士人格特征和正念与心理困扰的关系[J].中国心理卫生杂志, 2017, 31(12): 983-987.(CSSCI收录) 3.康晓菲,方跃艳,赵迪,冯秀娟,厉萍*(通讯作者)不孕女性患者知觉压力在正念水平与心理困扰间的中介作用[J].必赢国际bwi437学报:医学版, 2017, 55(9): 105-109. 4.孔令华,申世玉,李国鹏,陈晓云,厉萍*(通讯作者).高职护生的专业承诺、心理弹性与归因风格的相关性研究[J].解放军护理杂志,2016,33(8): 31-34. 5.田晓红,孙瑶瑶,邹桂元,刘春琴,厉萍*(通讯作者).话务员心理困扰的有序logistic回归分析[J].中国心理卫生杂志, 2015, 29(10): 790-794.(CSSCI收录) 6.李华芳,刘春琴,厉萍*(通讯作者).积极情绪在精神科护士心理弹性与职业倦怠关系中的中介作用[J].中华护理杂志, 2015, 50(9): 1083-1086. 7.刘晓华,刘春琴,田晓红,邹桂元,厉萍*(通讯作者).心理弹性在居民压力知觉与睡眠质量中介及调节作用[J].中国公共卫生, 2015, 31(6): 793-796. 8.刘春琴,李华芳,田晓红,邹桂元,厉萍*(通讯作者).精神科护士人格特征与心理困扰的关系:心理弹性的中介作用[J].必赢国际bwi437学报:医学版, 2015, 53(9): 90-94. 9.邹桂元,申秀英,田晓红,刘春琴,厉萍*(通讯作者)心理弹性在临床护士职业倦怠与积极应对中的中介作用.护士进修杂志,29(20):1830-1833. 2014 10.陈为迎,万小娟,刘茜,吕红,厉萍*. 济南市住院学龄儿童家长对在院学习辅导需求的调查.护理学杂志,2011,26(3):34-36. 11.厉萍,马弢,高庆岭,曹枫林.妊娠剧吐患者的心理健康水平及其相关因素研究.护理学杂志,2006,21(14):1-4. 12.厉萍,高庆岭,曹枫林.妊娠剧烈呕吐患者的心身症状特点及其相关因素分析.解放军护理杂志,2007,24(4):38-40. 13.厉萍,张文新.早孕反应的相关心理社会因素研究.中华护理杂志,2005,40(2):90-93. 14.厉萍,曹枫林,高庆岭,等.初产孕妇早期的心身症状特点及相关因素.中国心理卫生杂志,2004,18(3):204.(CSSCI收录) 15.厉萍,张迎新.早孕反应的相关心理社会因素研究及护理.护理学杂志,2003,18(11):874-876. 16.厉萍,曹枫林,高庆岭.护理系女大学生成就动机与学业成绩的相关分析.中国高等医学教育,2000,5:14-15. 教材 1.主编护理心理学北京大学医学出版社2015年 2.主编护理心理学实验教程必赢国际bwi437出版社2007年 3.副主编护理科研北京大学医学出版社2007年 4.副主编人文社会医学概论人民军医出版社2004年 5.参编护理心理学人民卫生出版社2012年 6.参编护理研究基础人民卫生出版社2013年 7.参编护理心理学人民卫生出版社2014 |