科研论文 及著作 |
1. Danjun Feng, Linqin Ji, Lingzhong Xu. The influence of social support, lifestyle and functional disability on psychological distress in rural China: Structural equation modelling. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 2013, 21(1):13-19. (SSCI与SCI双收录) 2. Danjun Feng, Linqin Ji, Zhiwen Yin. Personality, perceived occupational stressor, and health-related quality of life among Chinese judges. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2014, 9(4): 911-921(SSCI收录) 3. Danjun Feng, Linqin Ji, Lingzhong Xu. Mediating effect of social support on the association between functional disability and psychological distress in older adults in rural China: Does age make a difference? PLOS ONE, 2014, 9(6). (SCI收录) 4. Danjun Feng, Linqin Ji. Development of a self-administered questionnaire to assess the psychological competencies for surviving a disaster. Disaster Medicine and Public Preparedness, 2014, 8(3): 220-228 (SSCI与SCI双收录) 5. Danjun Feng, Lingzhong Xu.The relationship between perceived discrimination and psychological distress among Chinese pulmonary tuberculosis patients: The moderating role of self-esteem. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 2015, 20(2): 177-185 (SSCI与 SCI收录) 6. Danjun Feng, Linqin Ji, Lingzhong Xu. Effect of subjective economic status on psychological distress among farmers and non-farmers of rural China. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 2015, 23(4): 215.-220 (SSCI与SCI双收录) 7. Danjun Feng, Wenjing Zhao, Shiyu Shen, Jieru Chen, Lu Li. The influence of perceived prejudice on willingness to be a nurse via the mediating effect of satisfaction with major: A cross-sectional study among Chinese male nursing students. Nurse Education Today, 2016,42: 69-72. (SSCI与SCI双收录) 8. Danjun Feng, Shan Su, Yang Yang, Jinghua Xia, Yonggang Su. Job satisfaction mediates subjective social status and turnover intention among Chinese nurses. Nursing & Health Sciences,2017,19(3):388-392. (SSCI与SCI双收录) 9. Danjun Feng, Hongyao Li, Lu Meng, Gengkun Zhong. Development of a Questionnaire to Assess Nursing Competencies for the Care of People with Psychiatric Disabilities in a Hospital Environment, Psychiatric Quarterly, 2018,89(3): 699-706. ( SSCI与SCI双收录) 10. Danjun Feng, Shan Su, Lu Wang, Fang Liu. The protective role of self-esteem, perceived social support, and job satisfaction against distress of nurses. Journal of Nursing Management,2018, 26,4: 366-372. ( SSCI与SCI双收录) 11. Mingliang Zhang, Jianmei Zhang, Feng Zhang, Li Zhang, Danjun Feng* (通讯作者). Prevalence of psychological distress and the effects of resilience and perceived social support among Chinese college students: Does gender make a difference? Psychiatry Research, 2018, 267,409-413. ( SSCI与SCI双收录) 12. Danjun Feng, Wenwen Kong , Wenjing Zhao, Zhenbo Li, Liezheng Wang. The mediating role of perceived prejudice in the relationship between self-esteem and psychological distress among Chinese male nursing students. Journal of Professional Nursing, 2019, 35(6), 505-511. ( SSCI与SCI双收录) 13. Wenwen Kong; Yaoyao Yang; Feng Zhang; Hui Wang; Danjun Feng*(通讯作者)Mediating role of occupational stress and job satisfaction on the relationship between neuroticism and quality of life among Chinese civil servants: A structural equation model. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes,2020,18(1):34.(SSCI收录与SCI双收录) 14. 张锋,孔雯雯,王慧,杨瑶瑶,封丹珺(通讯作者). 中高龄护士延迟 退休意愿及其影响因素调查. 护理学杂志, 2020, 35(6): 57-61. CSCD收录. 15. 王慧,封丹珺(通讯作者). A型人格问卷编制(接收). 临床心理学,2020. CSSCI收录 16. 封丹珺, 唐晓红, 娄凤兰. 高等护理专业学生的职业价值观研究. 护理学杂志,2007, 22(6):6-8. 17. 封丹珺,厉萍,曹枫林等. 基于Nvivo软件的护士职业心理素质的质性研究. 解放军护理杂志, 2010, 27(8A):1124-1127. 18. 封丹珺,徐凌忠,娄凤兰等. 护理与非护理专业学生心理健康及其影响因素调查与分析. 护士进修杂志, 2010, 25(18):1659-1661. 19. 封丹珺,石林. 应对方式的测量与评价新进展. 中国心理卫生杂志,2004,18(3):180-182 (CSSCI收录) 20. 封丹珺,石林. 应对方式的生态瞬时评估法及其他测量方法简介. 心理科学进展,2004,12(3):429-434. (CSSCI收录) 21. 封丹珺,石林.公务员工作压力源问卷的初步编制.中国心理卫生杂志,2005,19(5),1-5. (CSSCI收录) 22. 副主编.护理心理实验课程. 济南:必赢国际bwi437出版社,2007.5. |