瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院精神医学博士,437ccm必赢国际研究员(正高级)、人文护理学系副主任,齐鲁医学院青年人才联盟副主席,山东省精神卫生中心特聘教授,山东省“泰山学者”青年专家,山东省优秀青年科学基金(海外)获得者。研究方向为儿童青少年精神卫生与心理健康、母婴与儿童健康维护、精神疾病的辅助诊疗与机制。主持省部级课题2项,以课题骨干参与国家重点研发计划1项,以第一/通讯作者在顶尖医学期刊JAMA Pediatrics、JAMA Network Open、Molecular Psychiatry等发表18篇SCI论文,其中高被引论文1篇,总被引超1100次,H指数17,其研究成果分别获得中国科技部、英国路透社Reuters、美国科学家 Scientist等采访和报道。
1. 国家重点研发计划:“生育健康及妇女儿童健康保障”重点专项,No.2024YFC2707500,2024.12-2027.12,课题骨干(第二位),60万,在研
2. 山东省优秀青年科学基金项目(海外):儿童青少年精神障碍的辅助诊疗与机制, No.2024HWYQ010,2024.01-2026.12,主持(第一位),60万,在研
3. 山东省重点人才工程(泰山学者)项目:妊娠期代谢紊乱对婴幼儿神经发育影响,No.tsqn202211034,2022.07-2025.06,主持(第一位),75万元,在研
1. Li N, Du J, Yang Y, Zhao T, Wu D, Peng F, Wang , Kong L*(孔令华,共同通讯), Zhou W*, Hao A*. Microglial PCGF1 alleviates neuroinflammation associated depressive behavior in adolescent mice. Molecular Psychiatry, 2024: 1-13. (IF: 11.1, 中科院一区)
2. Kong L(孔令华), Nivins S, Chen X, Liang Y, Gissler M, Lavebratt C. Association of preterm birth and birth size status with neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders in spontaneous births. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2024: 1-13. (IF: 6.0, 中科院儿科一区)
3.Kong L (孔令华), Chen X, Liang Y, Forsell Y, Gissler M, Lavebratt C. Association of preeclampsia and perinatal complications with offspring neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders. JAMA Network Open,2022, 5(1), e2145719-e2145719. (IF: 13.370, 中科院一区)
4. Kong L* (孔令华,通讯作者), Nilsson IAK, Brismar K, Gissler M, Lavebratt C. Associations of different types of maternal diabetes and body mass index with offspring psychiatric disorders. JAMA Network Open, 2020, 3(2): e1920787-e1920787. (IF: 13.370, 中科院一区)
5. Kong L(孔令华), Chen X, Gissler M, & Lavebratt C. Relationship of prenatal maternal obesity and diabetes to offspring neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders: a narrative review. International Journal of Obesity, 2020, 44(10): 1981-2000. (高被引论文)
6. Kong L(孔令华), Nilsson IAK, Gissler M, Lavebratt C. Associations of maternal diabetes and body mass index with offspring birth weight and prematurity. JAMA Pediatrics, 2019, 173(4): 371-378. (IF: 26.796, 中科院一区TOP 1).
7. Kong L(孔令华), Gissler M, Lavebratt C. Implications of gestational weight gain in studies of gestational diabetes-reply. JAMA Pediatrics, 2019, 173(9): 889-890. (IF: 26.796, 中科院一区TOP1)
8. Kong L(孔令华), Norstedt G, Schalling M, Gissler M, Lavebratt C. The risk of offspring psychiatric disorders in the setting of maternal obesity and diabetes. Pediatrics,2018, 142(3), e20180776. (IF: 9.398, 中科院儿科一区)
9. Xie, X., Zhao, X., Zhuo, F., Li, J., Song, D., Yang, Y., & Kong, L(孔令华,通讯作者). The Independent and Cumulative Effects of Screen Exposure on Suicidal Ideation in Chinese Adolescents with Depressive Symptoms. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 2025,39(2), 206-216.
10. Wang K, Kong L(孔令华), Wen X, et al. The Positive effect of 6-gingerol on high-fat diet and streptozotocin-induced prediabetic mice: Potential pathways and underlying mechanisms. Nutrients, 2023, 15(4): 824.
必赢国际bwi437校长奖学金,必赢国际bwi437, 2016年
《Healthcare and Rehabilitation》期刊青年编委,2024年至今